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The United States can be surprisingly open about some of its most shaming espionage incidents.
The shaming punishment: though permitted to be graduated, I was refused a place at commencement and denied a diploma.
Bow yourself now, and you will find it less difficult and less shaming than you think.
Because it's too shaming, you know?
One of the more shaming paradoxes of war and terrorism is that it seems easier to honor the dead than to acknowledge the wounded.
It is too shaming," she explains.
For the shaming pleasure of voyeuristic torture, he has substituted the pleasure of having his nose rubbed in it.
Suddenly he realized that if he stuck to his decision A-lu-te must suffer a most shaming loss of 'face' among her own people.
In moments in which Mathis is particularly disturbed by a litigant's recounted behavior, he takes to scalding and shaming behaviors.
'It's so shaming,' whispered Daisy.
But to a girl like Susan just bending over the chair with her bottom sticking in the air was a punishment in itself - it was so shaming.
If youfeel a certain incident was inordinately shaming, even though "most parents7 did it, it probably was indeed abusive.
Attacking a child with an implement is very shaming and the parent has no idea how much pain is being inflicted, because he or she carft feel it.
After smacking him with a ruler, the teacher pinned the drawing to the back of his shirt and made him walk through all the classrooms as a shaming punishment.
But my clinical experience indicates that much nudity and carelessness regarding sexual boundaries is very shaming and abusive and leads to dysfunction in the child's adult life.
It is virtually impossible to read Foskett's book without concluding that Thomas's life and philosophy are a sequence of extreme reactions to terribly shaming events in his past.
Hughes (2004) In the anticipated frequent disruptions, due to the child's traumatic and shaming experiences, the therapist accepts and works with these and then 'repairs' the relationship.
Speaking to reporters later, Mr. Annan said his report "contains some pretty alarming facts, particularly in the chapter on environment, and some pretty shaming ones regarding poverty."
In that era of reticence, working women were expected to fend for themselves, the slights they experienced too shaming or demeaning to be confided in any but one's closet friend.
Some states in America have experimented with humiliating or shaming lawbreakers by publishing their names and indicating their offense (e.g., with soliciting prostitutes or drinking and driving).
Since the police clamped down on official drug facilities, the junkies have taken to the streets here, which makes for a fairly shaming spectacle in a city so supposedly advanced in its social provision.
Yet, when shame is not acknowledged, but instead negated and repressed, it becomes rage, and rage may drive to aggressive and shaming actions that feed-back negatively on this self-destructive situation.
"For some children, it can be a traumatic and shaming experience," said Dr. Peter A. Wyman, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, who studies how children respond to stress.
OUR TIME Our Time Theater Company is made up of teenagers who stutter; it is intended as a haven from the fast-paced and shaming world that stutterers often face.
Except in the work of Irish writers like William Trevor, who acknowledge a certain cultural acquaintance with ordinary damage and disgrace, significant aspects of modern life largely go unrecorded - those unremarkably human and shaming acts we all commit and endure but which only the bravest artists will admit to having imagined.