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Of course, that is the way things go in shapeless real life.
It was a very large, shapeless thing, with a long neck and no head!
The rest of the piece is both shapeless and very familiar.
She saw the shapeless mass lying on the top of the wall.
His entire body was so swollen as to be almost shapeless.
One of them was the man with the shapeless leather bag.
In the center of the big room was a dark, shapeless structure lit from inside.
The man's body was nothing more than a dark, shapeless mass in the moonlight.
Some kind of huge, shapeless monster from beyond the stars.
Just some thing: shapeless, a vague movement of the dark.
She was heavily pregnant and more shapeless than David would have thought possible.
The defense, which gave up 400 yards a game in last year's 2-8 season, will be better, but the offense is still shapeless.
She turned her shapeless back on me and vanished into the kitchen region of the house.
Many of the forms were shapeless now, and trailed blood as they went.
Once again, he looked down into the crumbling shapeless grave.
Gary was only another shapeless bundle of nothing on the black street.
As the light grew stronger it showed a shapeless world all about them.
He looked like a huge, shapeless mass in the gloom.
Hands and feet became shapeless, then withdrew into mere points.
Even before the shapeless white thing makes its appearance, I'm terrified.
At first it was only a dark, shapeless mass that almost filled the tiny room.
That shapeless gown might fool another man, but not him.
The shapeless body collapsed in a heap on the floor.
Where the boulder had been there was a dark, shapeless hole about two feet across.
How I felt was like a shapeless form spinning in a lot of outer space.