Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
What happens when one of the sharers wants to go back to work full time?
Among companies, the magazine reports, from 3 to 10 percent have some job sharers.
At the beginning of the novel, the Sharers are all female.
Among the hired men were some who eventually became sharers.
Sharers order in hopes that everything on the table will eventually come their way.
Sharers are usually unable to afford a place of their own.
Measure both job sharers' performance against full-time members of staff.
The job sharers share the pay and benefits in proportion to the hours each works.
Thus far, however, most such cases against file sharers have been settled out of court.
"All reason known to you and your sharers of dreams.
These initial proportions changed over time as new sharers were added.
The inhabitants of this planet, known as Sharers, are all female.
The sharers in the company also paid wages to their hired men and boys.
The sharers of the dredgers had come to the surface.
New Yorkers may not like it, but they are, by necessity, great sharers.
The other six were the "sharers," partners, permanent members of the company.
More than 40 percent of the new arrivals in his buildings are apartment sharers, he said.
On the legal front, the industry began a new round of international lawsuits against foreign file sharers.
Perhaps 75 percent of those new ride sharers are due to our department's efforts."
On alternating weekends, 14 more sharers take to the beds.
The friendly atmosphere of Obsession was bringing in the sharers.
There is no fee for home sharers, but donations are welcomed.
After their session of lovemaking days ago, the two were now secret- sharers.
Sharers use genetic engineering to control the ecology of their planet.
Thus, the Sharers can never be subdued by force.