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There was a sharp wind, and a smell of snow in the air.
It was a bitter morning, gray with a sharp wind.
A sharp wind would be welcome, but it was calm this time of year.
Marcus thought of the sharp wind outside, then chose not to.
Vigor felt a sharp wind blow up from the river.
She saw, as the night's sharp wind filled her clenched fists.
It had stopped raining, but the sharp wind continued to blow.
Suddenly it became cold and rainy, with a sharp wind blowing.
Here it was cold, with low clouds racing across the sky before a sharp wind.
He pulled his jacket tighter to block out the sharp wind.
A sharp wind ruffles Tyler's hair as he takes it all in.
Snow was still falling and there was a sharp wind.
There were flurries of snow, driven by a sharp wind.
Even at this distance, the strong, sharp wind carried the smell of salt spray.
The sun was setting and a sharp wind hurried everyone back inside the lodge, carrying the food with them.
A sharp wind swept down from the nearby mountains.
The weather changed; a sharp wind gusted around me, raw and cold.
A sharp wind across Jefferson's bow kept the smoke clear of the flight deck.
Jessica gave him his head and let the sharp wind in her face still her panic.
It was ten degrees with a sharp wind, and the chill cut through my trench coat.
The air temperature had dropped several degrees in the last half hour, and a sharp wind had come up.
I put my arm around him, sheltering him from the sharp wind.
A sharp wind swept the place, too, and chilled our perspiring bodies through.
It was a grey, cold day, with a sharp wind blowing out of Derbyshire.
The sky was brightening into an icy blue, and a sharp wind blew from the west.