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The factor of safety for a shear surface is determined using a procedure of slices.
Also, Teflon alone has little to no ability to firmly stick on a sheared surface, unlike molybdenum disulfide, for example.
Without gravity, they couldn't stand directly on the sheared surface, but they hovered as close as they could.
They were perfectly circular openings, revealing near-spherical interiors filled with the bright, clean metal of sheared surfaces.
Instability, resulting in landslips, often occurs along shear surfaces and weaknesses that originally developed during the Late Devensian glaciation.
As always, I felt a rising tingle of excitement as I contemplated the meticulously shorn surfaces of my face.
It had a short, unusually heavily-built skull, equipped with massive, broad flattened cheek teeth with sharp shearing surfaces for cutting up tough plant material.
The mesonychids were an unusual group of condylarths with a specialized dentition featuring tri-cuspid upper molars and high-crowned lower molars with shearing surfaces.
Surface rheology can be characterized by the oscillating drop method or shear surface rheometers such as double-cone, double-ring or magnetic rod shear surface rheometer.
By now our eyes are so primed to notice sheared surfaces that we may detect a resemblance between a neglected lawn and the autumn-haze mink coat Pat Nixon wore when she and her husband took off for China.
The most interesting work, and a new one, is "North America Divided" (1992-99), which shows the sheared surface of a large tree stump seen through the top of a rickety split-rail gate and a bit of corroded electric fence.
Interformational sulfides; So-called serp-serp ore which is developed off a thrust pinchout, or via remobilisation of massive sulfide along a shear surface or thrust which drags ore up off the contact into the serpentinitised komatiite.