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The noise must have overwhelmed the sound of sheep bells for miles around.
There were quite a lot of cow bells and sheep bells.
Wake up to chiming of sheep bells as they graze.
Very early in the morning he was woken by the sound of sheep bells, ringing violently.
The shepherd's dog was bringing the flock in and the sheep bells made a distant tinkling music.
I miss the tinkling of the sheep bells and the sighs of Eeyore.
Sheep bells clanked, down in the folds.
There is the sound of sheep bells bouncing off spires the size of the Washington Monument.
Somewhere in the distance sounded the tinkle of sheep bells and the lowing of cows.
Sheep bells sounded everywhere, but the sheep, like the monasteries I had visited, were hard to spot high on the cliffs.
Far away on the long, gradual slant of the land, sheep bells clanked faintly and lambs bleated.
Shepherds know every sound that sheep bells make, and Gabriel immediately realized that his sheep were running fast.
Pomegranates jingling like sheep bells, the priest carries the shellful of water to the sacred enclosure.
The so-called 'sheep bells' found at Knossos, Poros, Tylissos and Vorou illustrate this point.
Still the sound of sheep bells rang softly from above, and the herdsman knew them to be those he had hung on the horns of his ram. '
Through the years it has made sleigh bells, house bells, cow bells, sheep bells, door bells, and ship's bells.
Our route led along a high crest, and from a valley far below came the sound of sheep bells, not quite as re-assuring as they had been the day before though.
Sheep bells tinkled in the distance and the air was heavy with the scent of thyme and oregano as the road writhed up the mountainside to the final turn that revealed Dimitsana.
Yet, in Bulgaria, pagan festivals such as Kukeri, the ritual that ushers in spring with erotic dances, scary masks and sheep bells, have their roots in Thracian customs.
When crafting his own instruments from Norwegian natural elements such as arctic birch, granite, slate, sheep bells and even ice, he is highly recommended to those sensible to the poetry and simplicity of sounds.
Yaw was born in the small town of Boston, near Buffalo, New York (not Boston, Massachusetts, as is often stated), the daughter of Ambrose Yaw, who manufactured cow and sheep bells.
People are still apparently leaving the countryside for the towns, and the coastal resorts are thronged in summer with visitors from northern Europe; but still up on the Madonie you can hear sheep bells, and the deeper clang of cowbells.
Little more than half an hour by car from our hotel near Palma we were in deep, tranquil countryside, with only bird song, sheep bells, the scuffling of startled goats and the sound of foliage disturbed by the breeze to disturb the silence.
The orchestral prelude which follows portrays the Roman dawn; the pastoral aura is accentuated by the shepherd boy's song, and the sounds of sheep bells and church bells, the authenticity of the latter validated by Puccini's early morning visits to Rome.
The company's catalogues - printed since 1858 - now show barbecue bells, call bells, tea bells, a speaker's bell, Swiss and Kentucky cow bells, sheep bells, turkey bells, yacht bells, door bells, ice cream bells, Arctic sleigh bells, replicas of the Liberty Bell and more.