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The door was always shut and it was covered from top to bottom with sheet iron.
Sheet iron can be subject to rapid corrosion, forming rust.
"Because, Professor, that beast is made of sheet iron."
The school had one room, with a huge sheet iron stove in the back, and a cloak room.
Roof tiles did not last long in Russian winters and were soon replaced with sheet iron.
The hangar was made of sheet iron over a rusty welded frame.
It was a most impressive snarl, sounding rather like tearing a piece of sheet iron in two.
Small, flat metal wedges were then driven between shims made of sheet iron.
It is exporting sheet iron, equipment for oil extraction, electric motors and others.
The methods employed a "hot dipping" process to coat sheet iron with zinc.
Justen set the full pitcher on the bench, then took up the sheet iron.
This was of sheet iron and was fastened on the outside by a big padlock.
The timber beams were encased in thin sheet iron.
To see sheet iron in your dream, denotes you are unfortunately listening to the admonition of others.
And he constructed a building in the dockyard to test the length of time that the sheet iron used as a ceiling could resist fire.
Tinplate consists of sheet iron coated with tin and then run through rollers.
Unlike comparable pieces elsewhere, it is not made of bronze, but of sheet iron.
Have a large iron cage constructed about 4 x 6 feet, the bottom made of heavy sheet iron.
A pattering noise rose over the music of the stream, like hail on sheet iron, gathering strength.
An alternative to casting and painting was vitreous enamelled sheet iron or steel.
By 1839 "galvanized" sheet iron roofing was being used in New York City.
Burroughs built his own instead, substituting rock wool for the sheet iron, but still achieved the desired effect.
Most of the platform was taken up by the eight-by-twelve shed of corrugated sheet iron.
Some of them had sheet iron roof on them, and then covered with tarpaper, you know.
All kinds of copper, tin, and sheet iron ware mended on short notice."