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Every man is a priest, a shepherd of souls.
Is this, too, not a virtue befitting a shepherd of souls?
The Shepherd of Souls (1915) ....
Cardinal Collins said Cardinal Bergoglio was the right candidate because "he gives a vision of a very simple, down-to-earth shepherd of souls."
Shepherd of Souls: A Pictorial Life of Pope Pius XII.
His life as a true shepherd of souls took him to Siroda and Sanvordem in Goa, besides Kumta, near Karwar.
Did not the ancestors of those who are now entangled in the errors of Photius and the reformers, obey the Bishop of Rome, the chief shepherd of souls?
Here the entire training of the students should be oriented to the formation of true shepherds of souls after the model of our Lord Jesus Christ, teacher, priest and shepherd.
On a June morning 15 years ago, I remember coming across an image of Jizo - patron of travelers and children, shepherd of souls - set up by the side of a remote country road.
Princes and shepherds of souls and the faithful without number have come to these shrines through the centuries, to the holy Virgin whom they have greeted with titles expressive of their hope or gratitude.
Moreover, so that the desired outcome may result from these cares and labors under taken by Our venerable brothers, We also address those of you who are ministers of the sacraments, shepherds of souls, and preachers of the divine word.
Rookey O.S.M., Peter M., Shepherd of Souls: The Virtuous Life of Saint Anthony Pucci, (Jun 2003) ISBN 1891280449 CMJ Marian Press
Pastoral, a Wordsworth favorite, suggests the simple, idyllic life of shepherds; it comes from >pastor, used in English in the 1300's for "herdsman," by extension, a shepherd of souls, the spiritual >pastor of a flock or congregation. >
Although biographical details are sparse, in 1947, E. Mary Gordon Kemmis wrote a biography and her memoirs of Ferrier: Shepherd of Souls: Some Impressions of the Life and Ministry of John Todd Ferrier.
And the Catholic Church's defensive response (as persecuted as the Jews?) has once again made it look like a dark fraternity in a Dan Brown novel instead of a luminous shepherd of souls, a self-interested corporation instead of the selfless ministry that Christ entrusted to St. Peter.