Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She floated out over the bleak street, shining wet in the lamplight, towards the step of the house opposite hers.
Only yesterday those same officers had been seen running in the hills, sweat shining on their bodies, their legs trembling.
During cooling season, block direct heat gain from the sun shining through glass on the East and especially West sides of the facility.
She was already looking up toward my window, where my face would be shining like a neon sign against the blackness of the room behind me.
The woman gazed into the distance, holding a scepter that blazed at its end with one star shining paramount beyond all the others.
In a studio, a gobo or set of barn doors can be attached to the lighting to keep it from shining on the camera.
The next day, after two days of overcast, chilly weather, the sun was shining brightly and stayed out the rest of the week.
He thought, wistfully, of a scaffold in the air, shining pieces of glass and stone, memory, his girls.
At each of its silvery sides a pannier hung, woven it seemed from shining yellow rushes.
The sun had been up and shining no more than an hour and in that time several of the plants had grown half a centimeter.
I sat there hi a fog, with the few lights shining like distant streetlamps and with not a sound around me.
It would include the stars shining down on populated planets, certainly, and probably every star of spectral class K and brighter.
When Betty came out of the bathroom she looked like a fresh-opened rose, her make-up perfect, her eyes shining, every hair exactly in place.
The thing I saw shining in your eyes when you dangled on that bridge was enjoyment of life "the Will to Live."
There were tears shining on her cheeks and her eyes were bright and mad.
But here it is plain the essence Adam made the name zahab stand for was nothing but a body hard, shining, yellow, and very heavy.
The moon was still shining brightly and now, along the nearby rooftops, the thin red line of dawn was spreading.
He scooted around until he faced her, with the headlight from the scooter shining on his face.
Exhausted, legs trembling, Doreen glanced over her shoulder and stared out at what once had been a handsome city shining above the bay.
Light shining from the device reflects off the scene to be imaged to a sensor located near the light source.
He decided the light was a deliberate plot to keep him awake at night by shining in his window so took matters into his own hands.
Only about 5% of the sunlight shining on the rainforest canopy reaches the understorey/understory.
And they could drive down the valley of the Ibar, following the road beside the river, where the hills rose wild and shining on either side.
Beyond the Daemons, Emma thought she could see light shining up from the ground, caught by swirling dust motes.
Yes, that is artist's job: takes mineral rock from dark silent earth transforms it into shining light-reflecting form from sky.