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When the place looked more or less shipshape again, they left.
I went all round before we left to have a final look that everything was shipshape.
She has to be shipshape if I'm to lay her over here for the winter.
Sort of get things shipshape before you take a snapshot.
He was there all right, big as life, standing in front of his shipshape desk.
You will maintain it in shipshape condition at all times.
"We'll get the place all shipshape and then take a walk on the beach.
The old man was obsessive when it came to keeping things shipshape.
It'll give us the opportunity to put things nice an' shipshape before we head out."
The boss sent someone over earlier to make sure the place was shipshape."
Despite some doubts, they seem to be carrying out their duties in a shipshape way.
Before long, he knew, it would look limp and floppy, not shipshape.
Now he had twenty-six months to get things shipshape, instead of twenty-three.
After everything was shipshape we all lazed around in the very hot afternoon sun.
A really shipshape civilian, not an ordinary government girl.
If you had to get Explorer shipshape, how long would it take?'
On older boats, sailors check visually that all is shipshape.
For a moment Murphy felt pure contentment at the shipshape look of his control room.
We'll be shipshape and ready to head out again in no time, at the rate these guys are going!)
"He doesn't run anything in a shipshape way like a businessman would.
"It was pretty shipshape to begin with, but I like working with my hands.
It gave him pleasure to keep things, as he said, "shipshape and Bristol fashion".
He went over the entire craft from stem to stern and made sure everything was literally shipshape.
Get everything all shipshape and comfortable, and you'll feel more like the place belongs to you.
Disappointment registered on the inspector's face when he saw that the interior was shipshape.