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Shitface would then inadvertently bring his parents back to life in the dolls.
Shitface was found by a British traveling performer.
Glen, as Shitface, appears in the last scene of the movie a few moments before Tiffany died.
But looking at you now, I see a horrible weasel, a shitface of a weasel!'
Sitting, waiting with the police detectives, the stupid little shitface troublemaker asked if maybe the defense lawyer Fred Hastings could be there, too.
The crime investigator watches, horrified, as she gives birth to her and Chucky's child, Shitface.
When Chucky discovers that Shitface is his child, he faints, while Tiffany is very happy.
"Hey, Shitface!
"Sing It, Shitface" (1999)
I was sick too of being affectionately called Shitface and Curryface, and of coming home covered in spit and snot and chalk and wood-shavings.
The KKK: Koresh, Khomeini, Kahane; well, to hell with the lot of them, all the fundamentalists, and that Aum Shitface gang from Japan, too.'
Six years after the previous movie (2004), Chucky and Tiffany's child, Shitface, born in the closing moments of the previous film, locates animatronic models of the two created for a film based on their exploits.
Since 2003, it has released over 30 CD-rs and two records, showcasing avant-garde music mostly by Chicago artists, including Soft Serve, Bubblegum Shitface, Jonathen Chen, Koutaro Fukui, Rotten Milk, Dan Layne and Death Factory.
Since the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is the state sport of Alaska-they'd challenge for the gold at the Drunkard Olympics, but'd lose major points to Ireland in the charm category-I've been pretty much teetotaling, out of sheer contrariness, not wanting to be just another shitface in the crowd."
"Colonel to you, shit ass."
St. Ange has been behaving like a plu-perfect shit ass, and I just can't stand it any longer!