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Or are you one step ahead of the shoeshine and already on season four?
Her husband is always wearing a shoeshine and a smile.
For now, the first shoeshine bench will go in his own store.
And he was going to have to invest some serious shoeshine time on the trip home.
"Man, you know one thing, I feel good," he said to the shoeshine boy.
It stared back with the dark clarity of a shoeshine.
He's a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine.
They are often known as shoeshine boys because the job is traditionally that of a male child.
The best he can do is get a new suit and a shoeshine."
For if people cannot feel Shoeshine, what can they feel?
"The legitimate shoeshine men now have a facility for their customers."
"George made the shoeshine guy feel like a million bucks," said his younger brother, Mark.
Aymara is the second language of the shoeshine boys in the town center.
The salesmen were already off down the road with their smiles and shoeshines.
Here's a dead-end business: a shoeshine stand at the beach.
The scientist uses it on Shoeshine to turn him back to a normal dog.
He debuted in the company at age five, portraying a shoeshine boy.
Near the table, three men perched on a small platform are reading the papers while they get a shoeshine.
When is the last time you saw a movie or TV show in which somebody got a shoeshine?
But perhaps if he took his foot off the shoeshine stand- "Felix?
"I don't think they're going to want some shoeshine guys in front of their fancy building," he said.
But Greek shoeshine boys are not put off by a few trifling words.
Ten minutes later, the shoeshine boy returned with a translation of the inscription inside the watch.
Some of the little guys remember the days when the shoeshine man came to every floor and the postman rang three times a day.