Military officials gave few details about the shooting incidents today.
I read about that shooting incident in front of Jackson's house.
The shooting incident was the latest test of control for the Palestinian police force.
A law committee meeting was held to discuss the shooting incident.
The police denied using too much force in the shooting incident.
The chief said the behavior of police officers during the shooting incident would be investigated.
On September 20, 2011, a shooting incident happened inside the building 3 of the mall, 2 were killed.
The expected shooting incident took place about a week later.
But she was only too aware of the procedures after a shooting incident.
All the while, the shooting incident stayed with him like a shadow.
There have been several shooting incidents in the state of Connecticut, in the United States:
Eventually, the Metropolitan closed after problems that included two shooting incidents.
TWO shooting incidents last month involving three Mountainside police officers have focused new attention on the rules governing the use of deadly force.
Two shooting incidents overnight showed that rebels who should have disarmed still seem to be present, he said.
Despite prompt law enforcement responses, most shooting incidents were stopped by means other than law enforcement intervention.
Sergeant Howard said investigators were "not sure if there was any connection" between the two shooting incidents.
The first board, established in the 1950's, was made up of three police officers, but it came under fire after the board cleared officers in two shooting incidents.
There have been two shooting incidents at schools named Cleveland Elementary School in the U. S. state of California:
Week after week in recent months there have been many shooting incidents on the open streets involving immigrant gangs, as well as individual attacks.
Two shooting incidents were reported around 1 A.M.