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On its face, this answer sounds a little shopworn and beside the point.
The particulars were new, but the show felt shopworn anyway.
"Boy, I must be in bad shape when a shopworn line like that hits the mark."
His defense was not only shopworn by now, but obviously impotent.
The song was no less riveting for being so clearly shopworn.
Is it hard to choose between shopworn shares like these and the shiny new issues?
In any event, it all seems shopworn by now.
But perhaps he wants to adjust his shopworn mantra that on "Day 1, everything changes."
I guess maybe the phrase is a little shopworn!
This "guy with the shopworn face" has been around too long and knows himself too well.
It's a comedy that was already too shopworn for Moliere 300 years ago.
The mere act of campaigning for so long will generally give him a tired and shopworn air.
They are old, shopworn, and generally made of cardboard.
Yet Rina never said a word about replacing his shopworn pieces.
He has chosen the most shopworn of subjects, marital infidelity.
Here the shopworn notion of a "nature trail" has been taken in new and creative directions.
So what need have they of my shopworn exhortations?
Those are shopworn delaying tactics that let politicians avoid hard calls.
If she expected to see a shopworn idol, she was in for a surprise.
None of the dishes looked dried out, discolored or shopworn.
"I'd say you must keep one of our transceivers on your slightly shopworn person at all times.
The Bush campaign dismissed the effort as shopworn posturing.
The debate about whether Rockwell was a good artist is as shopworn as his art.
The wounded-inner-child story line may be a bit shopworn.
"Bus Stop" may believe in the inner virginity of its shopworn heroine.