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There it was moored not far from the shoreward head of the great bridge.
The gun showed clearly now, hidden only from the shoreward side by the hat in his other hand.
The birds on the shoreward side became suddenly noisy, then broke into flight.
The first came within five minutes after the lifeboat had begun its shoreward haul.
Several buildings, warehouses, stood at the shoreward end of the piers.
So their escort left them, making off swiftly down the river and the shoreward paths, although the night was already drawing on.
The reef was narrow, and the Saigon rested only a few feet from its shoreward side.
On the shoreward side of it, the rowboat and I plummeted toward the beach!
He rowed, but the boat's shoreward movement was sludgy now.
A figure was perched upon the sheltered side of the shoreward drifting lifeboat.
I think he must have dived down along the Gaye, the shoreward side where the orchard trees give some cover.
He shaded his eyes with one hand, looking at the shoreward march of grass where it blended into meadow and woods.
The main entrance on the shoreward end of the pier is home to an amusement centre, gift shop and Chinese restaurant.
Presently Ariadne, peering out through the small gaps between boards in the shoreward wall, caught her breath.
Stepping to the schooner's shoreward side, he noted with little surprise the absence of the moored boat.
They all rowed for an hour; then a shoreward breeze came up and Salter stepped the mast.
"Have a look, mates," called Captain Morgan, striding across the deck to the shoreward side of the ship.
The drag of the shoreward shallows was already bending it into a bow, with the central portion getting further and further ahead.
I luxuriated in the air from the sea; my cheeks livened at the cool, washing, shoreward breeze.
The marines formed two rows on the shoreward side of the Llyse, the first row standing ready with bows.
Height is measured vertically from base to crest, but the face - what you actually ride - is the shoreward diagonal of the triangle.
The pavilion at the seaward end was demolished and the shoreward end was redeveloped.
Carefully, Kharl began to walk down the pier, toward the buildings beyond the shoreward end of the pier.
Three men in yellow-and-black tunics-uniforms of some sort- stood on the stone causeway at the shoreward end of the pier.
This was the battle--to win seaward against the Creep of the shoreward hastening sea.