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Seems so funny having a tall dog after having short dogs.
I paid him in short dog jugs of Thunderbird wine.
I moved in with the clothes on my back and a short dog of T-Bird.
I stole a short dog and hitchhiked to the County Hospital.
How much does a short dog cost?
The shortest dog is the Chihuahua, which stands 5 inches high at the shoulder and weighs 1 to 6 pounds.
Followed by the 1924 animation short Dog Treat.
What is the shortest dog?
Then a scraggy old wino entered the scene, one hand holding a short dog, the other out begging for chump change.
Empty muscatel short dogs were piled in corners, and the one window was streaked with cobwebs and dirt.
"Short Dog" is Dan Fante's first short story collection.
'Only, being a short dog in deep snow is not good for the of wossnames, if you get my-' Death had stopped at a little bay.
Like his novels, "Short Dog" was first published abroad (in England as "Corksucker").
Blood banks, liquor stores selling half pints and short dogs exclusively, fifty-cent-a-night flophouses and derelict missions.
Short Dog is a collection of short stories, based around Fante's life as a cab driver in LA.
She had glimpsed him earlier as he made his way across the room, a short Latino in black leather, his hand casually gripping a short dog chain.
"Short Dog" delivers eight blunt, unsparing episodes from Bruno's brief career as a Los Angeles taxi driver.
Hepcat types were lounging around the front door, scarfing crullers and coffee, half pints and short dogs of muscatel.
Short Dog: Cab Driver Stories from the L. A. Streets (2002)
They were crawling on all fours and, behind them, Gorka was holding, in one small black hand, short dog leads fastened to rings at the back of the women's collars.
Well Lit Tonight - Creeping Bent, 1997 (Split single with The Leopards - Cutting a Short Dog)
SHORT DOG Cab Driver Stories From the L.A. Streets.
The group consists of Toots(the leader), Princefeld, a muscle-bound dog wearing a biker helmet and a white T-shirt with a picture of his mother on it, a short dog who wears a derby and a red t-shirt, and another small dog who wears a purple jacket.