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Mother went back inside and returned with the shrouded body in her arms.
When he was done, Louie lifted the shrouded body in his arms.
Looked down at the shrouded body lying at her feet.
She didn't want to look down at the two shrouded bodies, but she looked.
As I arrived on the scene, mourners were in the process of moving the shrouded bodies.
Mark replied, looking up to see the shrouded body bag being carried out to the ambulance.
The faces of the shrouded bodies are never shown.
I went into the bathroom and collected towels off the floor while they lifted her shrouded body.
He glanced at the shrouded body with a mixture of disbelief and awe.
Inside, the ghostly, shrouded body lay cold and still.
Photos show scores, if not more, of dead, shrouded bodies lined up to be collected by family.
A growing accumulation of shrouded bodies was neatly placed on the north lawn.
Angry cries turned to silence as a canoe came in with a shrouded body strapped on top.
The lengths of cordage would then be wrapped around the shrouded body and tied.
One of the shrouded bodies on the ground is Jessica Hale.
Did you place sweet-scented flowers round the shrouded body?
Phaedra sees another vision of Theseus standing near a shrouded body.
Laid out in between them are the shrouded bodies of about 50 victims of the bombing.
The traditional dune buggy with the shrouded body crawled slowly up the small hill.
Torches still burned near the raised bier that held the shrouded body.
The squad at the docking airlock snapped to attention as each shrouded body went by.
Ms. Monk's shrouded body has been laid out in the inner ring for all to behold.
The film included pictures of shrouded bodies and scenes of men digging graves.
One of them straddles the pit and shovels away the fine gray dirt until you can see the shrouded body.
Three shrouded bodies are being carried into a mosque to be laid out alongside Friday worshippers.