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I have had two sick days in all my working life.
In fact, I might take a whole year of sick days.
Sick days home from school will never be the same.
Teachers get 10 sick days a year and only 3 of those can be used for personal business.
Parents let children stay home from school and took a sick day themselves.
More than 22 million working women don't have paid sick days.
Paid sick days and family leave for most American workers.
Food service workers are among those least likely to get paid sick days.
It will be my first sick day in three years.
She also only gets two paid sick days a year.
This is what God created sick days for, after all.
Companies with more than 250 workers will have to give up to nine paid sick days.
More often than not, she added, workers don't end up using all their sick days.
It was the first time in his life that he had taken a sick day.
Provide good health care insurance for everyone, and give workers enough paid sick days.
You can't just separate out issues like paid sick days.
Neither one has ever taken a sick day in that time.
Workers during these times did not have sick days, and forced themselves to work to provide money to support the family.
So for some workers, he said, taking a sick day may seem like the only alternative.
The bill would require only service companies with 50 or more workers to provide paid sick days.
The condition is the single biggest cause of sick days.
I don’t keep any records about health status or the reason for sick days.
No worker has taken more than three sick days in the last year, he said.
Has your boss ever held a sick day against you?
But what if you're one of the estimated 57 million working Americans with no paid sick days?