Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
For several groups, however, the concern over security has led to some side benefits.
According to a new book, both sides benefit in different ways.
But for many of the players, exercise is a side benefit.
Profits made on what was left were a side benefit.
This, he had been told, was a side benefit of the Institute.
But there was a nice side benefit to the attempt.
Further, if one side benefits more than the other, it will probably be Spain.
One side benefit of all this is that Texas would then become our third largest state.
After we married and began to talk about having children, I realized that a child could have a side benefit for our relationship.
A side benefit was that he could concentrate on his own work.
"Maybe we can begin something where both sides benefit," he said.
So there might be a side benefit in that regard.
Not to mention the side benefits, he thought with pleasure.
His death, they said in interviews after the attack, would simply have been a side benefit.
The side benefits would include improved air quality, he and other experts said.
But the early fund-raising for the primary season had a side benefit.
But a side benefit, he added, is a measure of crowd control.
"The side benefit is the protection this thing offers," he said.
That was a nice little side benefit for your practice."
So a small side benefit is a possible reduction in overall travel within a company.
The business has brought a side benefit to at least one renter.
Marriage was having a number of interesting side benefits she hadn't considered.
As a side benefit, he now lives in a place where someone else mows.
There's one side benefit to the fact that Epsilon services so many of these big companies.
And there could be a side benefit or two.