Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
That shouldn't be a problem under the side letter, which could make the point clear.
In some cases, side letters have driven national labor law policy.
I will let you all know when such side letter agreement has been executed.
Per Chris' phone call attached are the suggested changes to the side letter.
Also, what changes will be in the side letter?
We can do the side letters from our office.
Under the law of contracts, a side letter has the same force as the underlying contract.
If you want to do a side letter, as was completed for the hedges, let us know.
Side letters have proved to be a very rich source of litigation.
Marla - The best way to do this is by a side letter agreement.
I think it makes sense to attach the form of each side letter to the agreement for clarity.
The range of issues side letters covers is wide.
"If there are other side letters which are similar, we would obviously rule the same way."
At issue are documents - including so-called side letters - that appear contradictory.
The league's lawyer challenged Hanson to produce the three side letters.
Can this be incorporated into the agreement or do we need to do a side letter to Mark?
The side letter advised her to take independent advice.
I am not aware of those side letters being public, although it would be useful if they were made public.
The guarantee, the legal charge and the side letter were produced for his signature by a clerk.
Gerald - Bison is okay with your modifications to the second side letter.
I think the draft is fine, although I see no reason to attach the side letters.
Attached is an initial draft of our side letter.
The parity issue was handled in a side letter.
The parties have agreed in a side letter to complete the contract for the third train (which should be nearly identical) by July 31, 2000.
Ahold said yesterday that it turned over all the side letters to prosecutors in April.