Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He looked so good on paper that you could almost vote for him sight unseen.
Within months, she had bought a home there - sight unseen.
He has vowed to do the same - sight unseen!
If you want to buy them sight unseen, that's okay by me, too.
No one will hire you sight unseen over the phone or internet.
He'd just have to depend on their skills sight unseen.
She said people had bought property sight unseen off the Internet.
"Do you really think they're going to buy this, sight unseen?"
They are called to England by a potential client, sight unseen.
He had already put down a deposit on a Pilot, sight unseen.
I'll bet I can even put in some improvements for you, sight unseen.
She bought it six months ago out of foreclosure, sight unseen.
And it will probably be purchased sight unseen by someone who is buying a home for the first time.
Thomas - 1 month 0 days ago I bought his new solo record sight unseen.
"It was wonderful of her to take the chance, sight unseen.
So, sight unseen, I bought two from the same gal.
Keep in mind this content is being sold to you sight unseen as of publication.
He was able to call the owner and say, "We'll take it, sight unseen."
I purchased the free studio, sight unseen, on the telephone.
They desperately try to rent an apartment over the phone, sight unseen.
They want as many people to buy the games sight unseen as possible.
But he says Falcon just rented the box sight unseen.
She bought the property last summer, sight unseen, to use as her winter retreat.
Five years ago companies that bought their personal computers sight unseen through the mail were few and far between.
You brought her here sight unseen, with high hopes.