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It is considered to be one of their signature songs.
"Hard Times" was their signature song that they played at the beginning and end of each performance.
It is also sometimes referred to as his signature song.
It was a worldwide hit and became their signature song.
As the signature song promises, we'd had a real good time.
It has gone on to become one of the band's signature songs.
The song is considered one of the band's signature songs.
The track is often referred to as Brown's signature song.
It is considered by many to be Brooks' signature song.
Over the years, this would become known as Bennett's signature song.
It is often considered as the signature song of the female pop act.
It was their debut single and can be considered as its signature song.
They have become signature songs for Williams and remain among the most popular of his career.
The track remains the band's signature song and is still played live to close out their shows.
In more recent years, it has been considered one of Waits' signature songs.
Miss Hall first performed both of her best known signature songs more than 60 years ago.
The first episode saw all groups perform their signature song.
"Rise Today" can be considered as the band's signature song.
It is regarded by many as the band's signature song.
The title track would go on to be one of the band's signature songs.
It also became her signature song to perform on tours.
The first episode had the groups sing their signature songs.
All envisioned the composition as a signature song for the movie.
But then, some people might wonder just how many signature songs a performer is allowed.
The song became very successful and is often referred as one of her signature songs.