It was completely rebuilt between 1901 and 1903 and has sumptuous interiors with a silver plated staircase.
We couldn't afford anything like a silver plated model of Blackpool Tower.
The bright silver plated finish of these standards combined with the heavy-duty design insures years of trouble free vaulting.
A brass trigger guard and back strap, silver plated, were standard.
When the stone was laid, a box with come gold and silver coins and a silver plated plaque were buried.
The GA5-SB is the current model shown above, with a polished black-nickel bell on a silver plated body.
Housed in a synthetic leather bound book with special silver plated Nightmare crest.
POLICE have issued the above photograph of a stolen silver plated service almost 100 years old.
The insignia was secured to a standard Soviet square mount by a silver plated ring through the suspension loop.
Bass flutes are most often made with silver plated bodies and head joints.