Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But in truth, the similitude is taken out of context.
There is, therefore, no true similitude of God and man.
While the models must be in correct similitude, this is not enough.
This similitude has been effected by Him through a law of nature.
Perhaps, too, the similitude may exist unconsciously in his or her own mind as well.
For Attraction is the earning of parts, which have a similitude in the life.
It is often impossible to achieve strict similitude during a model test.
One of these creatures was human only in similitude.
Never did Nature make two creatures of such similitude.
Pleased with his similitude, Ray went back to the lookout.
Similitude is a concept applicable to the testing of engineering models.
Similitude suggests that the component fatigue life of the two objects will also be similar.
Full similitude is achieved when each of the 5 Pi-parameters are equivalent.
In these cases the physical models require dynamic similitude.
In these cases some aspects of similitude may be neglected, focusing on only the most important parameters.
It was an uncomfortable similitude of the flag of Japan.
The greater the departure from the application's operating conditions, the more difficult achieving similitude is.
The different aspects of similitude may thus be defined as follows:
With this more rigid definition of similitude, the cylinder and the plane are obviously no longer the same.
Yes, he said, the similitude is most exact.
Between these women an ancient intimacy and considerable similitude of character subsisted.
Similitude can be used to predict the performance of a new design based on data from an existing, similar design.
The portal was returned to the similitude of normalcy.
May I leave a message with my similitude?"
It was the rough similitude of a horse.