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I'm not sure I understand this, being a simple soul.
The use of tools was strong in his simple soul.
The principal of my school was a kind, simple soul.
"I was rather a simple soul in those days," he thought.
Or perhaps that just applies to simple souls like myself.
"My mother, bless her simple soul for thinking of it, told me something about that."
Two such simple souls as might dance to fairy music.
And why did they play at being simple souls?
Then he would have come after you, to get more power; he is a simple soul.
"oh, this theology business is too much for a simple soul like me!
Here was the beauty and the simplicity to which his simple soul responded.
I'm a simple soul who'd be inclined to tell the truth without trimmings.
Now he was gone, or at least out of the reach of such simple souls.
What does that simple word suggest to the simple soul?
Certainly they were not spontaneously generated, as many simple souls believed.
Nor the simple souls who befriended me in those rugged times.
He was a simple soul, and quite incapable of any sustained deception.
An innocent and simple soul, Finch used to work in a circus.
Any simple soul that just yearned to be taken in could bring down a concession at the first shot.
We mustn't uncover such secrets in front of these simple souls.
But they cannot understand how the police could arrest a man they had always known as a gentle, simple soul.
With the receipt of the money a great mellowness had descended upon his simple soul.
In her simple soul she couldn't fathom my kind of glad, nervous talk.
Or perhaps spit out a word or two, to help us simple souls along?"
"Simple soul or complicated, I'll tell you what I would do about that guy.