Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Getting out on the road will simplify things a little bit.
His whole world view has been simplified into black and white.
We need to simplify the future and put the past behind us.
Let's start with how we simplify the system and make work pay.
The idea is to simplify the case for the court.
To tell my story at all I have to simplify.
What in the world did he mean by saying his life was going to be simplified?
There's a lot going on, but certain things have been simplified.
Further, his record on free trade is not easy to simplify.
Some of the changes do not simplify things at all.
"You have to work hard to get them to simplify anything."
We can no longer wait for administration to be simplified.
I think that we really can simplify the administration here.
First, we're going to simplify the system and make work pay.
Think about whether they should be changed or simplified further.
"We may have to take some time to simplify things."
I'm going to simplify things a little bit here and there.
I am sure you will find a way to simplify it.
I think she wants to simplify things again, with herself as the chief person.
But the Internet has simplified the process in many ways.
His approach has always been to study, simplify and share what works.
One thing he will try to do - which has worked in the past - is simplify things.
There must be a way to simplify that and bring the cost down.
Then he simplified his life a while back and we're all on our own now, but we still share this office space.
The first possibility would be to simplify the present system.