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Thus he must have been singing falsetto in this role.
"Back then, I was singing falsettos without even realizing it.
On tour, he played bass guitar and sang falsetto harmonies.
When a man sings falsetto only the edges of his vocal cords vibrate.
Barry sings falsetto on the whole song, except on the line life's going nowhere, somebody help me.
Blondie's "Heart of Glass" came on, and they sang falsetto; no one had the right words.
McCartney sang falsetto during parts of the bridge.
When a man sings falsetto his vocal range is usually one octave higher than his normal singing voice.
Marie could hear him talking and strumming on his guitar while Raoul Marcel sang falsetto.
Levinson sang falsetto harmony on many of The Other Voices' recordings.
I knew Ruth's arias, and for part of that rehearsal, singing falsetto, I was Ruth.
The song features Bedingfield singing falsetto in the chorus, where he hits the note Eb5.
Later, Andy strums "The Rainbow Connection" on his banjo while singing falsetto.
"May I point out in all humility," he wrote in an open letter to the offending journal, "that I do not sing falsetto.
The concluding song,Murder in the Market, brings a hilarious stanza sung falsetto when the murderess gives her defiant answer.
But characteristically, he uses very little vibrato at all, and the tones that emerge are round and affectless, like a man singing falsetto.
Even though, I swear I ruined my singing voice singing falsetto with Brian Wilson.
Robin also sing falsetto for the second time on the group's 1979 song "Living Together" on the album Spirits Having Flown.
'You cut this one short'- he jabbed my chest again -'and I'll cut you so short that you'll be singing falsetto.'
After the service I told the choir director that I had a high range and could sing falsetto and asked if I could try to sing tenor.
Most of us have tried to sing falsetto at one point or another, and the Beach Boys and certain doo-wop singers have made high-register singing a pop-music staple.
This experiment required a great vocal mastery from the singers: Yudin who was capable of singing falsetto parts was singing Rosina's part in the soprano tessitura.
Simon asked Garfunkel to sing lead on the song, and although Garfunkel initially refused this proposal and suggested that Simon should sing falsetto, later agreed to sing.
Around the same time he discovered his singing voice, which is deep and far-ranging (though he also sings falsetto with Gran Scena, an all-male company, sending up both male and female roles).
Unlike "Bangla Desh", the song returns briefly to this sparse, piano-led setting, over which Harrison sings falsetto, similar to the two "smoochy codas" in "The Answer's at the End".