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It is a phenomenon that affects single-rotor helicopters in forward flight.
Envisage a viewpoint above a single-rotor helicopter in still air.
I can only say it was single-rotor.
The energy of this tangential air flow is wasted in a single-rotor propeller design.
"It appears the helicopter was a single-rotor Blackhawk with four blades," said a fire brigade official.
Its AR1000 turbine is claimed to be the world's most powerful single-rotor tidal device.
In classic cryptographic terms, it's a single-rotor machine.
In 1918, Henry and Emile patented a single-rotor helicopter design that was not built.
Common alternatives are single-rotor helicopters or tandem rotor arrangements.
The A.101 was of conventional, single-rotor configuration with tricycle undercarriage and powered by triple turboshaft engines.
And the single-rotor choppers are too heavy and unbalanced after 30 years of modifica tions."
Using two rotors means that a smaller rotor with slower-moving rotor tips can be used, compared to a single-rotor design.
The Gazda Helicospeeder was an American-built single-seat single-rotor helicopter of the 1940s.
In 1942, Igor Sikorsky developed and produced the first successful single-rotor helicopter in Stratford.
The AC313 is a single-rotor helicopter with tail rotors, side-by-side pilot seating, and a non-retractable landing gear.
The MH-65C, commonly referred to as the Dolphin, is a twin-engine, single-rotor helicopter often used in search and rescue operations.
Diamond discontinued production of the MidWest twin-rotor engine, but for a period they continued with the single-rotor model, mainly for the motor glider market.
In 2012 the XU switched to belt drive and to a single-rotor brushless AC motor, reducing bike maintenance.
Two General Electric CJ610-6 single-rotor axial-flow turbojet engines are pylon-mounted on each side of the aft fuselage.
His most famous accomplishment was the invention in 1920 of the Autogiro, a single-rotor type of aircraft that came to be called autogyro in the English language.
That change, according to some observers, allowed Boeing's twin-rotor HH-47 helicopter to compete against the smaller, single-rotor Lockheed and Sikorsky models. '
The tail rotor is a smaller rotor mounted so that it rotates vertically or near-vertically at the end of the tail of a traditional single-rotor helicopter.