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Important issues are at stake, such as survival in a sinkable economy and how to get the most for one's money.
He had a sinkable birdie putt at No. 15, but missed it.
The gunboats, sinkable and fully exposed, were rapidly getting the worst of it.
Titanic proved all too sinkable.
You felt less sinkable.
Its hull sheered into a half-dozen large, "unsinkable" sections, and millions of tiny, sinkable fragments.
The Titanic, the unsinkable ship that proved so tragically sinkable, has been an icon of opulence mired in mud for 85 years.
But unlike the furniture in Manager Bobby Valentine's office, the 6-2 Mets don't feel all that sinkable right now.
In other words, if you shrink something down so it takes up less space in the water, it also becomes less buoyant-or more sinkable, you might say."
The ship's hull plating is balsa to keep the force required to penetrate down to safe levels, by Rules, they are designed to be sinkable and in fact they do on a regular basis.
An armored catapult ship could of course sink a fire-galley from a distance, if the wind was right, but not do that and fight an equally armored and much less sinkable floating fort at the same time.