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If you are going to sit an exam tomorrow, go to bed early tonight!
They sent me a reply back and I sat an exam.
At the end of the third year students sit an exam which enables them to continue their education.
On Monday when the class is back at school the teacher has to sit an exam about their weekend.
Don't go mad though - especially if you're about to sit an exam.
The majority of students enter in 6ème, but it is possible to sit an exam for every level.
I don't understand why you would bother sitting an exam twice just because you could.
Students then sit an exam conducted by the school to establish their ability in English and Mathematics.
He sat an exam to become Employment Exchange clerk but was too far down the list to be offered a job.
Rhys sits an exam on the material he has missed and Jessica allows him join the surgical program.
Craig arrives at school the next day early, and rudely snaps at Sarah before sitting an exam.
The scheme requires candidates to undertake a course of training in accordance with a detailed syllabus, after which they sit an exam.
In a London hotel room, he has the conscientious air of someone sitting an exam, eyes glazed to the middle-distance, frowning slightly.
Schoolchildren sit an exam.
Toss was out traffic wardening, Deborah was college sitting an exam and Geoffrey had the flat himself.
"I felt the recruitment process was like sitting an exam - before the exam there is a degree of trepidation and afterwards, provided you are successful, you feel elated."
In both the US and the UK, a student takes an exam, but in BrE a student can also be said to sit an exam.
He is a second year surveying student at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh and his father claims he was drunk at the time after celebrating sitting an exam.
Kryten (Robert Llewellyn) manages to restart it by "purging" his resentment, but since he is out of time to sit an exam, he decides to lie to his brother instead.
The exams are usually done in rooms around the school, however the main exam hall is the assembly hall which has the capacity for about 150 pupils to sit an exam at the same time.
He was not able to defend his New Zealand Champion title in January 2008 as he was due to sit an exam, but he did retain his Lightning title.
Head full of academic knowledge but nothing else - and before anybody could bat an eyelid, he applied to sit an exam in London, and the next thing he was in the Metropolitan Police.
Previously children in Britain had all sat an exam at the end of their Junior school education and this decided whether you would attend the Grammar School or a Secondary Modern School.
Grammar schools are state schools which select their pupils on the basis of academic ability with pupils sitting an exam in the last year of primary called the 11-plus to determine whether or not they gain a place.
Mr Main, a second year surveying student at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, admits that he had been drinking after going to the student union to celebrate after sitting an exam.