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She was wearing a ski suit with the zipper half open.
The stains were a darker red than her ski suit.
Clare, wearing an old red ski suit, stood in a crowd of about three hundred people.
Then Janet in her red ski suit facing him.
The man was garbed in a heavy ski suit, like his guests.
"You can have one or two and not feel that you're going to bloat out of your ski suit.
Her scarlet ski suit stood out like a smear of blood against the white background.
Protecting the wearer from cold is also a feature of ski suits.
They had also supplied the very colourful ski suits worn by the officials!
And it was one of those old-fashioned, one-piece ski suits with the belt around the middle.
The scarlet ski suit was jerked back suddenly like a puppet on a string.
But she is shown in a black-and-white page layout wearing a sheer white ski suit.
But I did see one lame ski suit.
It was a girl, dressed in a tight-fitting spandex ski suit.
Ski suits and snow suits are a natural part of some sporting events.
As I came down in my ski suit and boots, Joe raised his eyebrows.
The scarlet of her ski suit glowed brightly in the lurid light.
A ski suit made for more casual winter wear outdoors may also be called a snowsuit.
"I was freezing even through my ski suit."
I got into the black ski suit.
He was wearing an all-white ski suit with a yellow scarf round his neck.
A ski suit is a suit made to be worn over the rest of the clothes when skiing.
After a while, the man in the black ski suit turned away from the remains and spoke to the bearish man.
It seemed much longer, for my ski suit was wet through and it was very cold.
He saw a tall man in a dark-blue ski suit, a rather shorter woman in red.
"It's tough getting them in and out of their snow suits."
She bundled up the children in their snow suits and sent them outside to play.
We both envisaged a situation where it would be kind of like trying to get her into a snow suit.
He'd wished for a white snow suit of his own, to keep from drawing their notice.
There appeared a dozen, then a hundred, smoking tiny holes in his snow suit.
A heavy and medium snow suit, first, and then some other things."
Ski suits and snow suits are a natural part of some sporting events.
As Bowen put it, they were "opaque figures in snow suits emerging from nowhere."
"He came down with two pairs of pants, a snow suit, gloves and helmet," she recalled.
The Russians, in their white snow suits, many of them on skis, had looked capable of going anywhere any time.
Bed sheets were used for snow suits.
I can no more answer that than I would have been justified yesterday in telling you to bring a snow suit."
The instructor helped Matt to tuck in, much as if he were dressing a baby in a snow suit.
Two 20-something women walk toward the boot-rental desk in matching lime-green snow suits and high heels.
"You can leave that snow suit.
Seven snow suits and 14 mittens?
"I couldn't bear to put on one more snow suit," Mrs. Horowitz said.
The bit poked through the padded seat of Mike's snow suit with a dull popping sound, its first revolution raking out a thick tuft of down.
Witnesses said Private Avni was wearing an olive drab army-issue snow suit when she was attacked as she hiked alone in the Arab quarter.
Game Informer unveiled a new image from Dead Space 3 showing Isaac wearing a fur-covered snow suit somewhere on Tau Volantis.
Students also participate in the regional Cappies competition, and have worked with Nepean High School to gather used snow suits for the Broadview Mission.
Children played in their yards in snow suits so new they practically squeaked, and strolling down any street you could catch the fine points of a discussion on how to build a snow fort.
A five-sectioned wheel can not be matched to-" "We are now in the Re-Fissioning aspect of the Wheel, the problematical one," she said, stripping away her one-sided snow suit.
Their flagship product is the Lofoten, a snow suit with a roomy cut that adapts well to cross-country or downhill skiing or snowboarding, sells some 500 units a year, and has been widely imitated.
But the pièce de résistance is a life-size sculpture of him as a toddler, circa 1965, clad from neck to toe in a fluffy white cryogenic snow suit that is actually made of ice.