Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Not bad for support, he thought, but a hair skimpy.
But the company has done only the skimpiest research on how the campaign is working.
But everyone else may find it a bit on the skimpy side.
The wine list has always been skimpy, and still is.
They have been rushed out here after very skimpy training.
Unfortunately, they were pretty skimpy, it being a new stand for the show.
It was not a large one and its furnishings were skimpy.
Where do they get the message about wearing skimpy clothes at 12?
And he'd given up on the reading section of the library, as being too skimpy for his needs.
Those numbers will need close scrutiny to make sure that they are not too skimpy.
If a female's, it will be too skimpy and revealing.
The skimpy surroundings already made him wonder if he could do his job at all.
I suppose he is master of us, for a little while, and in a skimpy way.
Critics say it has suffered from skimpy Federal support over the years.
In the end, almost three hours of playing time offers skimpy payoff.
The homes are so new that they have skimpy track records.
But even the neat, skimpy clothes did not have a forward look.
And by providing skimpy, at best, Federal resources, we leave the states with no choice but to do that.
We both sat up, startled at being seen outside in pretty skimpy clothes.
Yet it turned out not to be a real plan at all - just a skimpy statement of principles.
What are the results of our often skimpy postnatal care?
Add additional cold water if the gravy seems too skimpy.
The Met, notoriously skimpy with program notes, gave little help.
The other three projects are skimpy on the wow factor.
The leaders of some transit groups say the 3-foot standard is too skimpy and question how much better it will make life under ground.