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If for skin-protection, there might be a different skin lotion or cream you could change to.
The Navajo used this plant as a skin lotion.
Last year, the company started selling skin lotion, hair conditioner and other grooming products for children.
Dry yourself very carefully and apply moisturizing skin lotions all over your body.
Elderflower water is used in eye and skin lotions.
She reached into her duffel bag and withdrew a squeeze-bottle of skin lotion.
They yield leather, meat and an oil that works well in cosmetics and skin lotions.
It would be safe for any visitor visiting to expect a lot of sunshine hence carry the most appropriate skin lotion.
Thus, the limb is coated with an acidic lanolin-based skin lotion twice daily.
"We underestimated the sun," said Kocur, reaching for some skin lotion.
Eye drops, certain skin lotions, and vitamins are considered medication and should be included on your list.
It makes sense that using a skin lotion with antioxidants may help prevent some of that damage."
Blaylock, rubbing himself down with skin lotion after the game, was in a much cooler frame of mind.
Nor was it her skin lotion.
The company's stock price rose 65.2 percent, driven by strong sales of its Carmol prescription skin lotions.
For a while, everyone was swearing by a sweet-smelling skin lotion that miraculously deterred mosquitoes.
However, it is a component of some moisturizing skin lotions, and some hemorrhoid medications.
Skin lotion, lip balm and hair conditioner should find their way into the sea-bags of those who are sensitive to the elements.
Mary, who wanted the sun, undid the top buttons of her blouse and smeared herself with sweet-smelling skin lotion.
There was a container of skin lotion on one table and a bottle of liquid antacid on another.
Ms. Klinger brings him gifts of skin lotion.
Be aware that tree nut oils, such as shea oil, may be used in skin lotions.
If the rash itches, you may wish to use skin lotions and lubricants to soothe itching.
Vaseline, skin lotion, sandals - no, not sandals.
Moisturizing skin lotion may be recommended as an alternative lubricant, unless the patient is using a condom or other latex product.