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But he got into sad trouble, poor fellow, and was obliged to fly the country."
Or must I fly the country altogether?
Being discovered by the latter in the act of scaling the wall of his harem, he had been obliged to fly the country.
'What're you doing, Stevie boy, flying the country?'
It used to belong to Lézennes's aunt and uncle--aristos who have had to fly the country."
(Traditionally ships in a foreign country's waters would fly the country's maritime flag as a courtesy.)
After few arrests and intensive manhunt search, the ISI finally captured Ramzi before he could flew the country.
"It was the perfect excuse for Richard to fly the country and take up residence on the Continent, and we needed someone like him to do just that.
He repeated the rumor he had heard that Juarez had in fact flown the country and was reputed to be hiding out somewhere in Texas.
He could not fly the country until he had realized his fortune, and that fortune could only be realized by bringing off this coup with Shoscombe Prince.
A flagpole flying the country's national flag may be located on the premise along with a Wireless Communication Antenna and a designated clearing as a make-do helipad.
He afterwards removed to London, where his zeal in the Roman Catholic cause brought him into trouble with Bishop Grindal, and he was forced to fly the country.
She had been built, he went on to inform me, for a young nobleman, who had made two very considerable excursions in her before he had been compelled to fly the country, and was only three years old.
Here he became an active member of the committee of national defence, and when obliged to fly the country he joined Lajos Kossuth in England and with him made a tour in the United States.
In fact, in parks in Lima, handwritten notes left at the bases of statues bear messages calling for peace, and many houses are flying the country's red-and-white flags from their rooftops in solidarity with the Government.
At the same time, Serbian mercenary pilots have flown the country's three leased fighter jets out of Kisangani as a precaution against their loss, reportedly stationing them in the diamond-producing city of Mbuji Mayi.
A large number of the bishops of the East persevered in the refusal, and suffered a cruel persecution; while even the inferior clergy and laity were compelled to keep themselves in concealment, or to fly the country.
Two weeks after Earl flew the country, Paul Robeson and W E. B. Du Bois joined the CPUSA, receiving their party cards in a public ceremony in Herald Square.
would have flown the country, the Treaty of Troyes would have held good, and France, already English property, would have become, without further dispute, an English province, to so remain until Judgment Day.
Pat Brady, the wheelwright, had once a farm under him; but was ruined, horse and foot, all along with him, and cast out, and my brother forced to fly the country, and is now working in some coachmaker's yard, in London; banished he is!
By the autumn of 1937 the 'Socialist' Negrin was declaring in public speeches that 'we respect private property', and members of the Cortes who at the beginning of the war had had to fly the country because of their suspected Fascist sympathies were returning to Spain.
He had been forced to fly the country, and to languish for the rest of the war in a far-off land,-while RoeIf and the other patriots had been branded traitors and hustled into Jannie Smuts' internment camps, humiliated and reviled until the war ended.