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Man would become a skulker on the planet he had owned.
A real skulker and it took quite awhile to see bird.
I thought I'd killed you all on the skulker.
Due to this we had a game of pool, expecting Skulker to come out next.
A skulker shot at the first officer he saw.
Are people starting to take notice of Skulker now?
Leroy is the only true skulker I've ever known.
There's always treasure for a skulker to pick up.
He aimed for a skulker in a flower bed, only to hear another shot from atop a bridge.
Shots meant nothing in this hotel - and a quick one was the easiest way to deal with any skulker.
How are your keenest fans taking to a more refined Skulker sound?
And the skulker in the belfry certainly couldn't be Kindred.
He became a skulker, going around the block, while two others trailed the old woman with the shawl.
Under the arm of the hooded skulker was a metal dispatch box.
He had never seen Manning and had no knowledge that this skulker was really the bank's vice president.
A tree had deflected his second shot; otherwise, it would also have found a murderous skulker.
But a skulker no longer, a fugitive no more.
He knew that the stoop-shouldered skulker would prefer his hide-out as the best place of security.
It was near immortal and was far mightier than the night skulker.
John himself was no skulker in joy.
He is tying Skulker in the back.
On hands and knees, using all the skulker's skills she had learned, Thra followed the slinking cat.
Gradually he connected the skulker in the third row with the occasional byline above movie reviews.
We spied another skulker in the bushes, sir.
It was a certainty that any small-time skulker of the badlands would certainly deliver this note.