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There is a lot we can learn from them without having to copy slavishly.
He had followed her slavishly, and carefully not asked any questions, for nearly an hour.
Being part of the crowd and slavishly following trends seems less common these days.
The boy, 16 at the time, was said to be devoted to the man, slavishly referring to him as father.
He was perfectly content to have others slavishly tend to his needs.
What they need is to be left alone instead of slavishly attended to."
I certainly hope they've picked right, since we're pretty slavishly following them."
They no longer follow slavishly tastes set by bourgeois society.
Not that she was slavishly devoted to him in those dreams; far from it.
These folk are slavishly affected by the modes of day.
It's the only way to free yourself from slavishly following recipes."
Historically the two companies have copied each other's fees slavishly.
By staying here in the room with her, he was slavishly carrying out his mother's instructions.
This was the line that Bush would slavishly follow.
This is where his small but slavishly devoted mutant army came in.
Or should we slavishly follow whatever the current educational dogma of the day is?
The dog followed her, slavishly, out of the room.
Yet in no way do they slavishly imitate her.
However, they must be used with care and should not be slavishly copied.
No period piece has to be so slavishly preserved.
Some critics feel his work is too slavishly beholden to the score.
They worked slavishly, recording late at night, when studio rates went down, until daylight.
It's almost as though you think you actually shape government policy, rather than slavishly support it.
The Fleet slavishly keeps records of every vessel it ever had.
But I'm using a computer, and there's no need to adhere slavishly to the old methodologies.