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Others bring you around with sleight of hand to see things their way.
And they were not beyond a little sleight of hand.
As it turned out, there was sleight of hand involved.
But he had no plans to use a similar sleight of hand to see the movie.
It all happens very quickly, like a sleight of hand.
"But what I'll show you tomorrow has nothing to do with sleight of hand."
Here things began to happen rapidly and with sleight of hand.
Her sleight of hand must have been up to getting the wallet, too!
Running through sleights sometimes had a soothing effect on him.
How it all started, I used to do sleight of hand tricks.
I was going to go back to working on my sleight of hand."
But then it was found he had nothing more, really, than sleight of hand and other such tricks.
Her old talents and sleight of hand remain much in evidence.
To accomplish this end required a legal sleight of hand.
With what sleight of hand had he convinced her to marry him?
The only question is whether we're getting true magic or mere sleight of hand.
The whole thing is done by sleight of hand and happens perhaps one night in ten nationwide.
I planned to switch them when we got here - just sleight of hand, you know.
"They show by sleight of hand how you can deceive."
As with the examples above, there is a certain playful sleight of hand.
The clothes, for men, women and children, are meant to perform sleight of hand.
What most viewers won't see is the sleight of hand.
They believe in force of arms, not sleight of hand.
Sometimes you simply have to employ sleight of hand, or someone will get eaten.
Advertisers too often resort to sleight of hand to get us to part with our money.