"slipped" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "slipped" in inglés

the image to "slip" in Polish
  1. poślizgnąć się [INTRANSITIVE]
    He slipped on a banana peel.
    She slipped on the ice.
  2. wślizgnąć się, wejść niepostrzeżenie [INTRANSITIVE]
    He slipped into the room.
    I didn't notice you slip.
  3. wsuwać (coś dokądś) [TRANSITIVE]
    He slipped a note into my hand.
    She slipped the book under the pillow and went to sleep.
  4. zsunąć się (skądś), ześlizgnąć się, omsknąć się [INTRANSITIVE]
    The blanket slipped off the bed.
    I slipped off the sledge, but nobody noticed it.
  5. wtrącić (np. komentarz, uwagę) informal [TRANSITIVE]
    Can I slip a suggestion?
    If you want to slip any comments, make sure they make sense first.
  1. kawałek (np. papieru) [COUNTABLE]
    Can you give me a slip of paper?
    What is written on that slip of paper?
  2. pomyłka, błąd [COUNTABLE]
    It wasn't my slip.
    There was a slip in her documents, did you correct it?
  3. gafa
    I've made a terrible slip.
    What a slip, her parents will remember it for a long time.
  4. halka (zakładana pod spódnicę, sukienkę) [COUNTABLE]
    My slip is terribly uncomfortable.
    You can't wear this dress without a slip.
  5. obniżenie się, osunięcie się (np. cen, wartości czegoś) [SINGULAR]
    What is the cause of the slip of food prices?
    The customers were happy about the slip of the prices.
  6. osunięcie się, opadnięcie [COUNTABLE]
  7. osuwisko
    Be careful when you're near the slip.
    The little child fell from a slip.

Frases relacionadas — "slipped"

phrasal verb