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He took another hit of slivovitz and turned his eyes toward the front porch.
Everybody up above would knock back a large shot of Slivovitz.
He did have a passion for slivovitz, but that didn't present a problem.
Also, the slivovitz had been more potent than he thought and he'd taken quite a lot of it.
After a show, a bottle of slivovitz will interrupt almost anybody.
For another, a good slug of slivovitz will make anybody cough.
Calder was drinking slivovitz like water, as if it killed some private pain.
"Where is it written in the Koran that you can't drink slivovitz?"
He held up a long, slim bottle of slivovitz.
But as the bottle of slivovitz came out, a different man emerged according to Vulliamy.
The glass of slivovitz we put away as an aperitif eased the conversation.
A few seconds after that, he was dreaming of drinking a nice slivovitz white with his wife's soup.
The big man brought his fist down on the table, rattling the empty bottles of slivovitz.
The Executioner poured himself a finger of slivovitz and watched the men leave.
I stole a glance at Dave, washing down his second or third slivovitz with beer.
"Lad, people who live in slivovitz houses shouldn't throw stones."
"For 53 years I haven't drunk a drop," he said, spilling some slivovitz from the glass in his shaking hands.
There is a flask of slivovitz underneath the seat, if you should require it."
Morgan took a long pull on his slivovitz.
Several bottles of vodka and slivovitz lay on the table, with dirty shot glasses nearby.
Grüner asked as he picked up the Slivovitz bottle.
He poured another capful of slivovitz and then lit it with his cigarette.
He would then light the candle, take a sip of slivovitz, taste some bread, drink wine, and go back into his house.
One of the things with which the bunker had been stocked was a bottle of slivovitz.
Lifting a bottle of hundred-proof slivovitz from the counter, he carried it back with him.