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Or one can slothfully lie back and do nothing.
At the bar I paid the bartender, my fingers tapping impatiently while he slothfully made change for me.
These factors are proteins specifically designed to catalyze the gene, which otherwise would slothfully do nothing at all.
A bird was singing in among the trees and beside us lay a dog slothfully outstretched in the heat of the autumn sun.
I struggle slothfully.
Officially, the L.A.P.D. treated suicides as if they were homicides, and the departmental bureaucracy moved slothfully.
The obese Twi'lek began to bend over, thick fingers wriggling slothfully in a vain attempt to catch the blade be- fore it could hit the ground.
Many species are epiphytes, tree-dwellers that let their roots dangle down slothfully to catch vitamins from bird droppings, rotting leaves and other material washed down from above by the rain.
Living slothfully off the royalties from a Christmas novelty song his father wrote many years ago, Will divides his existence into half-hour increments and vows never to mean anything to anyone.
At first the door floated slothfully, but in less than a minute it was far from the ship, heading to the left, more or less in the direction he himself had floated, then towards northwest.
Piled clouds riding like chariots of crimson fire obscure for long moments the bloated ablate of the sun as it sinks slothfully toward the heights of the city already lost within the thickening haze.
By this notion, the Alu sequences have been slothfully piggybacking along for the ride ever since, gradually and benignly replicating over the years into the half a million or so copies now observed in primate DNA.