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I declared a little slam and he never showed his ace!
There was a little slam against that, yeah.
Well, she, bad luck to her, she couldn't make a little slam.
I declared a little slam in clubs yesterday, and made a grand slam!
Twelve tricks, they score for Little Slam twenty points.
Dear me, how much are we spending a year on that little slam dunk that Dubya dragged us into?
He boasts of the little slam he once made against Sidney Lenz."
100 Little Slam Bid and Won.
"Yes, but I want-" She hissed in frustration as he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him with a nasty little slam.
Manteuffel's preference for the "little slam", or limited solution, was reflected in the absence of planning beyond reaching the Meuse River.
In whatever way the penalty may be enforced, under no circumstances can the side revoking score Game, Grand Slam or Little Slam, that hand.
Manteuffel referred to this plan as the "little slam", a title from his love of contract bridge, as opposed to Hitler's "grand slam" plan for the occupation of Antwerp.
North-South got a fortuitous advantage from a variation of a well-known convention: The four-diamond opening showed a four spade opening with little slam potential, and the effect was to make South the declarer in spades.
I had the ace, king, queen, and eight of diamonds, the ace of spades, and one, just one little heart, and she--may the foul fiend fly away with her,--she couldn't make a little slam!
In this deal both sides can make a small slam.
How many points do you need to bid a small slam?
Instead she stopped to consider whether the small slam was in any jeopardy.
Taking the same ratio as 33 out of 40, that means 25 points are sufficient for a small slam.
That led to a poor small slam because the hands fitted so badly.
But that might have jeopardized the small slam in some circumstances.
An underlead of a king against a small slam is not uncommon.
In a social bridge game it would be right to rest in a small slam.
Small slam: The winning, by one team, of twelve tricks in a hand.
When he raised diamonds, his partner took an optimistic shot at a small slam.
In the national slam, there are five judges, but smaller slams generally have three.
So trying for an overtrick would indeed have jeopardized the small slam.
Caitin had forced the bidding to small slam, played the hand, and made it.
They played in a small slam while their opponents reached a grand slam.
South should therefore have considered 6 hearts, showing the void en route to the small slam.
When playing for matchpoints, it is desirable to bid any game or small slam that has a 50 percent chance of making.
He shut his briefcase with a small slam.
In Thursday's column you had the chance to pick West's opening lead against a small slam.
A singleton is often sensible against a small slam, but is seldom right at the seven level.
I had bid a small slam in spades, doubled and redoubled, vulnerable.
Over an opposing pass it is simply a raise and a quantitative invitation to six notrump, a small slam.
The Zia players could have won 13 instead of losing 13 if they had rested in a small slam.
The peephole closed with a small slam.
The odds were not as they are in an uncontested auction, for there is no question of settling for a small slam.
At the other table, the opponents played in a small slam, so Feldman's team lost 13 imps and failed to qualify for the second round.