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He came up with a snitch, then called us in.
How on earth was he going to see the Snitch in this?
Or was he a regular snitch working for the same party?
I got a great snitch from what I've had the opportunity to do in the last one and a half year.
"Did he really blow the guy away right in front of you for being a snitch?"
We're going after him again, of course, but we have to track down this snitch first or it's the same story all over.
He still didn't like being a snitch, but sometimes you had to.
His snitch would have thought this one to be a piece of cake.
If you turn out to be a snitch, they might think I knew something about it."
"I got a right, on account of how it was my snitch that called."
She reached into it, and came up with the bottle that held Snitch.
You're the one with the snitch who knows the whole story."
I'd just turned a kid onto the lifetime role of snitch.
A snitch of his, an old con, had taught him how.
Even if you have a conversation with police, you'll be called a snitch."
It turns out Jesus was a snitch, and a liar.
In a sense, the woman was coming to him as a snitch, but the context turned her into something closer to an agent.
"She had a snitch down on the ramp, a guy who used to tip her off."
"Why don't you just ask the snitch what it was about?"
"He's either a snitch who was not loyal to the head coach, or you can say he spoke his mind."
"And now we learn that one of our residents was a snitch.
The boys believe one of their number is a "snitch", but later discover differently.
Looks like I'll have to float your name on the street as a snitch."
They're going to be calling him a snitch now.
Montgomery was a source of information, but he wasn't a snitch.