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After a few minutes, I began to feel quite snug.
It was still a little snug, but we had a deal.
She tried not to think about having to leave their snug home, especially at this time of year.
The sitting room is a snug 14 by 10 feet.
Then we both sit down in the snug little room and begin talking.
"Where will you be while were safe and snug on the ground?"
The baby can take care of herself, she's nice and snug inside there.
She very much wanted to be snug in her own rooms.
So while they're out there looking for us, we'll sit snug where they've already looked.
To keep my little business all snug, I depend upon you.
They could fit into all of them, but the bottom one looked pretty snug.
Instead, I found him in his office, which was a snug room lined with books.
They were not, however, to be left thus snug and peaceful for long.
It was all right when we were safe and snug on Earth, but that is true no longer.
It was only a snug room with a view of the driveway.
Clearly, he has found a snug home in the Bronx.
They would talk it over, once he was snug downstairs.
The fit is "full and snug at the same time".
It had seemed a snug and, important for a witch, a very private space.
The brothers had made her a warm and snug home for the night.
Which told you how snug the pants fit in back.
I'd like you to go into that snug place of yours and wait for me.
In both cases, the fit of actor to role is snug.
She could feel the thick band of nothing snug around her middle.
It was a snug fit, with a few inches of space on either side.
Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The decor remains the same with the snugs and open fire.
I look into the snugs where the women drink and in all the men's lavatories.
Several small rooms, or snugs, create a conspiratorial atmosphere.
Throughout the restaurant there are various snugs, and it has an open room that can store up to 60 kegs of beer.
The Crown has a wonderful atmospheric setting, with period gas lighting and cosy snugs.
The Crown has ten booths, or snugs.
The rooms and bathrooms, though perfectly clean, feel tired and well used, as do the "snugs".
Snug Harbor originally was the site of a home for retired seamen, called snugs, and dates back to 1830.
"You talking about the Snugs?"
"The Snugs and the factory."
- You're right, - I whisper and Vika snugs close to me.
Mobile homes and wooden snugs (which sleep a couple with one small child) are available to rent, or you can bring your own tent or caravan.
Good beer, real fire, plenty of chat, a couple of snugs and a bowl of mutton stew to stick to the ribs...
Though undeniably a tourist attraction, it is wonderfully atmospheric with snugs and gas lighting and it draws Belfast's stylish set.
Some Trees were specialised procurement factories, others were accommodation based with snugs of various sizes bubbling within the warm matrix of the Tree itself.
In honor of the holiday, Mrs. Hargrave arranges strawberries in the shape of a star and snugs blueberries in the corners.
The design of interiors.are as valid today as they were in earlier times - the vaults, snugs, parlours, each with their own character, can still provide a pleasant, varied atmosphere'.
Originally a butcher's, it has been owned and run by the same family for more than 100 years, and its interior of snugs and open fires remains unchanged since Victorian times.
More recently, Snugs and others have even demonstrated dentin bridging in monkey teeth where mechanical exposures in otherwise healthy pulps were capped with a glass ionomer liner.
P Map This place features a series of cosy snugs downstairs, nice for a quiet pint, while upstairs is a full-blown space given over to live music and DJs.
The two snugs contain many antique glass and stone bottles (including Comber Whiskey and Belfast Mineral water bottles) which maintain the character of an era gone by.
Vika looks back at me making sure I'm watching and snugs close to the splendid body of the brothel owner, hugs it as if in the outburst of perverted passion.
A Harbor for Snugs Another proposal envisions adding a satellite of the Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences along the leafy new port-side promenade.
Ask for one of the snugs and revel in the royal borscht, followed by duck with mango and raisins, and kama (soured milk with cherries) to finish.
Shelter is to be found in two comfortable snugs, and warming sustenance comes in the form of affordable soups and stews, including a delicious pheasant casserole with home-grown vegetables.
Far from being a conventional snuggery, the room was almost like the bridge of a ship with tall windows on three sides.
Then I found myself in an uproar and confusion very strange after the peace of the surgeon's snuggery.
If you don't mind paying, they'll make you up one on the Snuggery table, under the circumstances.
What would he not give for one such head to place between the two crossed oars above the mantelpiece in his snuggery at the Albany!
He wandered down to the cliff, to the Snuggery, as she called it, and stood looking out over the Channel.
It was a very comfortable snuggery.
She paid for the drinks, slapping down coins which had twitched from her fingers, and followed him into the snuggery.
Tucked away behind the shelves of bottles, she had a snuggery with a couple of chairs and an electric fire.
So was it that, as we sat together in the snuggery, George was worth well-nigh three hundred thousand dollars.
The smoking-room was a little snuggery, luxuriously fitted up, and adjoining the pantry.
"To that snuggery of his on the Sipleth."
Three steps led down into a little snuggery with mullioned windows on three sides and a single copper-covered table in the middle.
University staff looked into the snuggery and nodded to the Tierneys, then withdrew, sensing that the conversation was private.
This is the Snuggery.
No 5 was once referred to as 'The Snuggery.'
He called it his "snuggery."
"Come into the snuggery.
Because most of the furniture of the old parlor was retained despite the reduction in size, the Snuggery has a cluttered appearance.
He had long since moved from the hayloft, taking over Hughes's snuggery beside the tack room when the elderly head groom retired.
This allowed the prisoners to use the snuggery, where water could be boiled and meals cooked, and candles and newspapers obtained.
The accustomed coach life began again, now, and by midnight it almost seemed as if we never had been out of our snuggery among the mail sacks at all.
You would think it was the snuggery of the William at Shelmerston of a Saturday night.'
'In the snuggery,' rejoined Mr. Weller.
A certain set of words and phrases, as much belonging to tourists as the College and the Snuggery belonged to the jail, was always in their mouths.
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