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The history of soapbox oratory.
Mr. Powe's call for First Amendment protection for broadcasting is not just soapbox oratory.
The decades immediately preceding World War I have been called the "Golden Age of Soapbox Oratory."
Mick Clarke and William Joyce pioneered the soapbox oratory which led to fights and attacks, sometimes by Fascists and sometimes by their opponents.
The park incorporates in the south-eastern corner the original speakers mounds of Speakers Corner, the location for Sunday soapbox oratory and public protests and demonstrations up to 1998, when the site was closed for redevelopment.
In 1912 Council restrictions on soapbox oratories led to The San Diego Free Speech Fight, a confrontation between the Industrial Workers of the World on the one side and law enforcement and vigilantes on the other.
In response to the Germania Hall incident, the IWW shifted their efforts to a form of soapbox oratory in order to win over a diverse spectrum of the working class, focusing on gaining converts through their speeches.