Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Sobriety has brought so much back to me, including my son as of 2 months ago.
Within a few days, however, sobriety had a new face.
Sobriety and hard work were all he asked in return.
There was a sobriety about him which she had never seen before.
She kept those about her in quiet, sobriety and good order.
After three years of sobriety, he was offered a job at the bank.
There was nothing to be done about Tiny, but he could deal with his sobriety.
By August 18, 2011 that man had 23 years sobriety.
This year, in reaction to the new sobriety, I am going all out.
She was pulled over a few minutes later and failed a sobriety test.
Hopefully that will change in a few years of sobriety.
Sobriety is also considered to be the natural state of a human being given at a birth.
They certainly contrast with the major message of the season, which is sobriety.
Can give the best reference as to character and sobriety.
The police had pulled her over and administered a field sobriety test.
They arrested him and said he failed a field sobriety test.
Do not leave us to report on the earnest sobriety of politics and art!
And his family says he has secured a hold on life that goes far beyond sobriety.
And so, a critic faces a new year with sobriety.
He's got a rock for every day he has sobriety, Denny says.
They left after I passed the field sobriety test but it was a very tense situation.
If anything three years of enforced sobriety made her look even younger than she was.
Later in the day, with sobriety a dull memory, things would be different.
What follows is a story about being in love while trying to survive sobriety.
If a cop had stopped me, I never would have passed a field sobriety test.