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All our major changes are pointed in the direction of communication and social adaptation."
Each period is characterized by distinctive technological and social adaptations.
She set up the National centre for the social adaptation of children in 2004 to provide medical and counselling support to children with special needs.
The psychology of laughter: a study in social adaptation, Figurehead, 1933.
In the mid-1990's, the orientation planners realized that social adaptation was crucial to academic success and must be the focus of the week.
Spiritual direction then, fully includes our humanity but is far more than personal adjustment or social adaptation.
Above all, Ratzel considered species migration as the crucial factor in social adaptation and cultural change.
Some argue that this supports a view of language as a social adaptation evolutionary kludge.
For cats, life in proximity to humans and other animals kept by them amounts to a symbiotic social adaptation.
If the latter is true, what social adaptations must take place to promote a more diligent and capable populace?
Recent studies have also linked otitis media to educational problems, attention disorders, and problems with social adaptation.
The "Decroly plan" lays ground rules for social adaptation of a biological organism, in the concrete case, children.
It is a social adaptation of the theory of natural selection as proposed by Charles Darwin.
LEAD: Contemporary bed sharing might be regarded as an important social adaptation among families with working parents.
The development, social adaptation and occupations of adults with a previous history of rolandic seizures were found normal.
His company sponsors the Fund's projects, among which are social adaptation programs for orphans and the handicapped, as well as adoption assistance.
"What they do is a very effective social adaptation so that there is not a conflict between good business practices and achievement of a social mission."
People can eat because they are hungry (biological adaptation), or because they like good food or want to enjoy the company of others (social adaptation).
The following properties are special features of a behavioral change that lead to more change, and an increased likelihood of social adaptation, independence, and cultural fitness.
But support groups can help dispel misinformation, help patients find wigs and promote the kind of emotional and social adaptation experienced by Mr. Levine.
This project explores the extent to which Soviet industrial affairs can be understood in terms of social adaptation to certain constraints which are inherent in industrial production.
Whilst promoting resilience amongst survivors of the September 11th terrorist attacks, those who self-enhanced were rated as having decreased social adaptation and honesty by friends and family.
Galanter further notes that the process of joining, being a member, and leaving a new religious group is best described not as a matter of personal pathology but of social adaptation.
Thus depression may be a social adaptation especially useful in motivating a variety of social partners, all at once, to help the depressive initiate major fitness-enhancing changes in their socioeconomic life.
The main hypothesis is that the social adaptation results in an informal regulation of work-performance to meet the requirement that 'actual' effort expended by workers of equal status should be rewarded equally.