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Social intelligence is perhaps what our nation needs now more than ever.
To change this threat to our health, we must realize they have social intelligence.
All sides agree, however, on the need for integrating economic and social intelligence.
They also have an average to good social intelligence.
The growing stock of social intelligence is embedded in law and custom.
Social intelligence therefore gives us the answer to that first expansion of brain size two million years ago.
Social intelligence is the most modern of the three strengths associated with humanity.
The most popular children tend to excel in several aspects of social intelligence.
However, it is argued they have low social intelligence.
The three strengths associated with humanity are love, kindness, and social intelligence.
Using social intelligence to understand others, provide leadership and engage in co-operation is also needed.
Social intelligence: the new science of human relationships.
For instance humanity includes love, kindness, and social intelligence.
Unfortunately, most references to social intelligence relate to an individual's social skills.
The evolution of sympathy is tied directly into the development of social intelligence.
A key to this combination is the unique association of emotionality with a social intelligence which has developed along somewhat different lines in man.
Nevertheless he succeeded in making a name for himself, due to his sharp legal mind and his social intelligence.
In addition to personality factors, participants who are resistant to obeying authority had high levels of social intelligence.
And today social intelligence is pivotal in managing the complexity of being social animals.
Social intelligence is closely related to cognition and emotional intelligence.
The domestic dog has a predisposition to exhibit a social intelligence that is uncommon in the animal world.
Another criticism of the test is the assumption that users with a high score are unsophisticated and may lack social intelligence.
In the human case, resistance to being personally dominated intensified as humans used their social intelligence to form coalitions.
Unaware of bacteria's social intelligence, we use antibiotics indiscriminately.
Social intelligence - Being aware of the motives and feelings of self and others.