Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The solar year, however, is not exactly 365 days long.
Most plans evolve around the solar year of little more than 365 days.
This means that there are often two celebrations per solar year.
He recognized that the length of the solar year is 365.2417 days.
However, the more precise length of a solar year is about 365.2425 days.
You see, 19 solar years contain just about 235 lunar months.
In other words, a solar year has 12 months.
There are about 365.25 days in a solar year.
They had also known by this time that 19 solar years is about equal to 235 lunar months.
Not all calendars use the solar year as a unit.
That was the first month of our solar year.
As a result, they do not accurately follow the seasons of the solar year.
Wes had been back on Earth for less than a solar year before his mother told him she was returning to space.
This put the country ten solar years behind the standard Muslim calendar.
A calendar is just man's abstract representation of the solar year.
The solar year is about eleven days longer than twelve lunar months.
It is the Gregorian calendar, based on the solar year.
About five solar years ago, he vanished in space.
But since then our calendar year has been the same as the solar year.
This is because the solar year cannot be evenly divided into 24 hour segments.
Back in the solar year 2000 there was a nuclear war, and people are finally now emerging from underground to build a new society.
It is also the start of a new solar year, and new harvest season.
The table below shows the solar years of both systems in comparison with the actual mean tropical year.
The number of cycles in the Chinese solar year.
Historically they were used to accurately determine the length of the solar year.