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The boy was tall and strong, already soldierly in bearing at 15 years.
This thought came from the tall, trim, soldierly chief of staff.
He walked briskly, a soldierly walk, head held high and eyes to the front.
Some have referred to his ability as being that of soldierly genius.
What he didn't quite have was the soldierly talent to go with it.
This is the first evidence of musicians doing soldierly duties in the American army.
His soldierly, though tyrannical, head was clear in an instant.
That made them more of priesthood, though they keep soldierly traditions.
The plants are so uniform that a mass looks stiff and soldierly.
"Is that a really uncouth, soldierly kind of a thing to do?"
Charles thought he ought to show an interest in more mundane, soldierly matters.
Their presence seemed to make a mockery of our soldierly demeanor.
He rose rapidly in favor, brought to the front by his soldierly qualities.
But this should, of course, be done in a correct and soldierly manner."
Some even argue that harassment is not only an inevitable but also a necessary part of soldierly life.
He was a tall, slim soldierly American with a thin, very grave face.
The two would nod and regard me with soldierly fellow-feeling.
They did, however, have the basic soldierly trait of being able to handle pain and fatigue.
They clasped hands about each other's forearms in soldierly fashion.
Behind him came a tall, dark, commanding man, slightly built, but with a soldierly air of presence.
He now had a surfeit of soldierly talent at his disposal.
"We must break away from the principle of soldierly comradeship.
A tall man, there was still a soldierly air about him: he could bend down, but not stoop.
"They've got some awfully strange illusions about my soldierly career.
There was something basically soldierly and right about it."