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The form of a man, yet he had no solidity.
He brought the little man down to solidity and released him.
But he has not established the solidity of that history.
He felt sure that she would not take advantage of his solidity.
Could he be about to gain solidity again, so soon?
As he came closer it took on form and solidity.
There seems to be a certain lack of cultural solidity today.
There was solidity in their lives again, structure and order.
He played with the solidity and intelligence someone in his line of work simply has to have.
So I have less than a tenth of your solidity.
Over all, the car has a feeling of solidity that was missing before.
And since then, it was as if she sought some solidity from him.
Their solidity has made it difficult to get rid of them.
He looked almost surprised at the solidity of her touch.
She knew he was flawed, had problems, but still he'd brought a certain solidity to her life.
Her common sense protested at the idea of being able to think such solidity into another place and time.
Its public character has a solidity and a substance to it.
One of the ones so strong that it has solidity, substance.
Between her fingers this bit had the solidity of stone.
They linked their free arms to complete the solidity of the position.
She could see it plainly, in all its color and solidity.
The doors shut with the solidity of a natural force.
It had, he admitted, a feeling of solidity and security.
From the outside they appeared to be of uniform solidity.
It has to do with solidity physical, intellectual, and moral.